Photo: MP Harris

YOUR COPY of Civil Rights Baby is WAITING FOR YOU

With much gratefulness and joy, I’m pleased to announce the release of the new edition Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race, Sports, and Breaking Barriers in American Journalism. Cover photo by Wade Livingston. To those of you who will pick up my memoir, please know that I lovingly wrote it for people who are seeking a spark to go forward in the face of challenges.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7375805-0-8

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-7375805-1-5  

The updated book addresses some of the rights advancements that occurred in 2020 and since that watershed year. I can't wait to hear your reactions to the new book and the evolving rights environment.

I’m hopeful of receiving many wonderful invitations to discuss the book, like at the American Library in Paris’ online conversation in 2020 with the first edition of my memoir. (See the video below.) I’m happy to inform you that the new Civil Rights Baby is widely available for purchase from your favorite independent booksellers everywhere, just request it. The Red Wheelbarrow in Paris, France, stocks Civil Rights Baby. So does Book Tavern in Augusta, Georgia.

My memoir is available online for delivery globally (try or walk into your area Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, or Walmart to get your copy. Go here for a full list of ebook and paperback booksellers.

Looking for a speaker or host for your event? Please contact me at so that we can make that happen.

Civil Rights Baby confronts at least 12 current societal issues

1. Police intimidation of black drivers. 

2. Absence of minority executives in broadcasting.

3. Promoting the two-party Red and Blue political landscape while suppressing third-party ideas.

4. Scandalous cronyism and nepotism in politics, Hollywood, and college admissions.

5. “Shiny object” reporting instead of contextualized stories, especially in politics. 

6. Falling down on editorial oversight, leading to fake news.  

7. Reinforcing entrenched ideas instead of reporting on-the-ground realities.

On Sports, Gender, and Sexual Harassment

8. Calling out the non-profit NCAA as a ‘plantation system.’   

9. Disregarding storylines about women.

10. Men behaving badly in Fox newsrooms in New York and her Dallas, Texas, television station.

11. Allowing -isms to guide story themes and disqualify job applicants.  

12. Hands-off management that lets a male cameraman shortchange a female colleague with bad video and sabotage her career.