Could Listen to Others

as you would have them listen to you®

be useful for you?

Have you been in a situation in which it truly mattered that you expressed yourself well enough to be heard? I was. Because I didn't have the skills at the time, I considered committing a foolish publicity stunt to get attention. I could have ruined my life.

At that crucial time, though, I remembered two people who had listened to me and who made me feel heard and seen. Remembering how that felt saved me.

I’ve created this program for you to steer clear of feeling desperate and unheard, whether in your business life or personal relationships. This unique training offers you the skills to remove stumbling blocks to communication. You'll learn to:

* work toward shared understandings with others on sticky topics

* reduce the emotional charge during discussions in the office or at home

* show people you value that they are valued

* give and receive the gift of listening

Stress hormones can prevent people from being empathetic enough to listen to others. With this training, you, as Listener with a Speaker-Partner, will develop the muscle of listening without reacting in a way that cuts off communication. As Speaker with a Listener-Partner, you'll have written exercises to prepare your message. You’ll dig to find your truth in a way you probably never tried before. 

Many of the big problems that confront us can be solved when we Listen to Others as you would have them listen to you®. 

Without the two people who gave me the gift of listening to me, my destiny would have been a lot different — and not for the better. I can safely say that I would not have had many of the fulfilling experiences of my last decade in Paris, France. I'll share that story in the training.


*To preview of MODULE 1 of Listen to Others,

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