Civil Rights Baby “should appeal to a wide audience”
—Sha-Shana Crichton, literary agent, P & W, Sept/Oct 2022
Wiggins’ memoir confronts least 12 current societal issues
1. Police intimidation of black drivers.
2. Absence of minority executives in broadcasting.
3. Promoting the two-party Red and Blue political landscape while suppressing third-party ideas.
4. Scandalous cronyism and nepotism in politics, Hollywood, and college admissions.
5. “Shiny object” reporting instead of contextualized stories, especially in politics. Continue reading below

6. Falling down on editorial oversight, leading to fake news.
7. Reinforcing entrenched ideas instead of reporting on-the-ground realities.
“Unvarnished truth telling” on Sports, Gender, and Sexual Harassment,
according to author Dr. Malaika Horne
8. Calling out the non-profit NCAA as a ‘plantation system.’
9. Disregarding storylines about women.
10. Men behaving badly in Fox newsrooms in New York and her Dallas, Texas, television station.
11. Allowing -isms to guide story themes and disqualify job applicants.
12. Hands-off management that lets a male cameraman shortchange a female colleague with bad video and sabotage her career.
Nita Wiggins poses inside the Eiffel Tower broadcast center after hosting a Global Sports Week Paris panel on Sports as a Catalyst for Social Justice.
February 2021