Nita “conveys expertise in a very clear and inspiring way"- Charles Baudot-Visser, YNOV (France)

YOU CAN upskill using her targeting training

Click below to view Nita’s informative and insightful international TV appearances. Let her prepare you for your public talks, in-person interviews, and online speaking appearances of all types, including podcasts. See how engagingly she discusses the political landscape and mindset of the U.S. (having visited 42 of 50 states), American icons, and hot-button issues related to opportunity, fairness, media accuracy, representation, and sports’ importance in society.

Nita Wiggins, a founding member of Sistah Circle Paris, was an invitee of Mrs. Brigitte Macron and president Emmanuel Macron to attend the Pantheonization of Josephine Baker.

On France 24, Wiggins outlines the ways that Ms. Baker exerted her power--even when faced with limitations in the U.S. and in France.

a broadcaster writes to nita:

" [My] continuing to strive for achievement and excellence in the broadcasting field [has] been directly attributable to your influence. "

Amal Shah
Author, SiriusXM Radio host

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"Put all of the polls in the garbage can. Do not waste anybody's news viewing time with polls. Talk to voters. Talk to people who are affected by policies and then we will have a better idea of how this 2020 vote will go.”

Paris, France- France 24 TV Sept. 3, 2020

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"Without a question, U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt, American professional sports leagues, my TV station, and other Establishment institutions have carried out economic lynching. I’m calling attention to it because I want it to stop. Have you suffered an economic lynching?”

Find out more on my Youtube and LinkedIn pages. Will you share your story with me to help end it?

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“If I were on that team, I would go and visit the president because, as Dr. King said, we have to look for legal and nonviolent ways to move the ball down the field, in whatever discussion. A player who goes should negotiate an opportunity to have a conversation and not just be there for a photo op.”

—Nita Wiggins France 24, July 2019

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"Thank you for being on set with us during the Muhammad Ali special.

You were terrific and you literally saved the show."

Françoise Champey
Director of English Programming, France 24
Paris, France
June 2016


Eye-to-eye with Ali, Rosa Parks

France 24 Paris, France
June 2016



We need R-R-R, now called Listen to Others®

France 24 Paris, France
October 2016



Nita Wiggins: The 2016 election is
"up in the air"

France 24 Paris, France
October 2016



Nita Wiggins: "Clinton has not put Trump away"

France 24 Paris, France
October 2016



America, the beautiful, with diversity

France 24 Paris, France
June 2016



Laughing on the way to PPV boxing

France 24 Paris, France
June 2016



Where is Ali's enemy?

France 24 Paris, France
June 2016



A Goodbye for The Greatest

France 24 Paris, France
June 2016