“Nita’s writing could change lives.”—Hermann Djoumessi, ADMP podcaster and Big Data Consultant, Paris, France

Civil Rights Baby—A ‘must-read’ that will help people find where their strengths lie.” —LaToya Gibson, President, Tutor Boxx

Her presentation made the lesson of her life and struggle understandable to everyone. Though she talked about her vulnerability, it is the memory of her strength that stays with me.” 

Black Women in Europe named her to the group’s 2018 Power List. Other distinctions include sharing in a regional Emmy for Special Events Coverage for Fox TV in Dallas, Texas; and receiving the RTNDF's Michele Clark Fellowship in 1989.

“I enjoyed reading the book as the events relate directly with what most of us women experience in the workplace. I not only got the courage to pursue my personal goals and live my life the way I want, but also got inspired to start writing my story.”

— Solome Ssenkubuge, Kampala City, Uganda, resident

"It is a story of resilience, like with many African Americans. She had a triple-threat: racism and sexism, and it caused an illness. She managed to heal, so it’s enriching to read. When we have black skin, this is the reality. »

« I really appreciate the stories of brave women who managed to change their lives. That shows us that we can fulfill our dreams, not being afraid to have big ones. »
— Perrine Scheer, former student at ESJ Paris

"We can easily say we had Nita Wiggins as an inspirational woman to lead us to live the life we truly want. »
— Cynthia Lahmar, former student at ESJ Paris — Falila Gbadamassi, journalist, France Info

— Liz Abzug, Executive Director, Bella Abzug Leadership Institute (New York City)

“Wiggins’s story should appeal to a wide audience, including but not limited to women color.”—Sha-Shana Crichton, lawyer and literary agent

An addition to The (President Jimmy) Carter Center collection

ONE-LINER: A TV sports journalist shares the personal and professional toll from her non-traditional career choice. Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7375805-0-8

Ebook ISBN: 978-1-7375805-1-5

Civil Rights Baby spurred captivating conversations in my book club.” — Christina Howell, Founder of Memoir Mentors (Munich)

Civil Rights Baby—A ‘must-read’ that will help people find where their strengths lie.” —LaToya Gibson, President, Tutor Boxx

“…this work will be striking for readers…”—The BookLife Prize

Readers,writing professionals, and educators praise Civil Rights Baby

*“It’s a profound book. I recommend it.”—Jack Canfield, best-selling author and co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series

*“I was captivated from the very first page.’”—Tina Mari Rucker, Chicago-based artist and filmmaker

“Wiggins’s story should appeal to a wide audience, including but not limited to women color.”—Sha-Shana Crichton, lawyer and literary agent, published in Poets & Writers, Sept/Oct 2022

Wiggins writes of media flaws, police intimidation, and pro athletes’ support for her. Her words might help you find your way.

(PARIS, France) Civil Rights Baby presents disturbing, behind-the-scenes episodes of in-group favoritism and out-group marginalization in the TV news business, as witnessed by Nita Wiggins. She writes in order to bring out fairer treatment of people on and off camera, increased empathy in reporting, and overall improvement in the industry that she loved as early as age 6.

She reveals unchecked colleague sabotage and intimidation targeted at her by bosses during parts of her 21-year career. The biases violate not only Civil Rights law, but also journalistic principles of integrity and honesty. The Georgia native crisscrossed the country as a sports and news reporter/anchor at ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox affiliate stations and worked in cities such as Dallas-Fort Worth, Seattle, Memphis, and Huntington, West Virginia.

The true tales are worthy of an on-screen presentation, and yes, she is currently adapting the book to the screen.

Wiggins released a new edition in October 2021 because of shifts in civil rights issues. She updates topics she previously addressed, such as:

  • policing and the murder conviction of longtime officer Derek Michael Chauvin

  • blocked advancements and the firings of media and film executives because of Me Too

  • Oklahoma’s past and the heroic Congressional testimonies of three, one hundred-plus-year-old survivors of the Tulsa/Greenwood Race Massacre

  • abuse of athletes by the NCAA and the name-licensing-image change (NIL) that allows them to now earn money while playing for their schools’ sports teams

Ask your local bookseller or use these sites to get a bound or eBook of Civil Rights Baby:

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Booksamillion: https://www.booksamillion.com/product/9781737580508

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Alibris: https://www.alibris.com/Civil-Rights-Baby-My-Story-of-Race-Sports-and-Breaking-Barriers-in-American-Journalism-Nita-Wiggins/book/50884668?matches=6

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Powells: https://www.powells.com/book/civil-rights-baby-9781737580508?partnerid=338

eBooks here:

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Memories and Supporters; flashbacks to Wiggins’ 2019 book release


ESJ Paris student Thierry Saint Espoir reads from Civil Rights Baby in May 2019.


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Pictured left: Editor, playwright, and novelist J.M. Walker worked keyboard-to-keyboard with Wiggins to release the book.

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Steve Harrison’s trainings in publishing and speaking have led to my successfully putting Civil Rights Baby on the page.

Pictured at Ted X in Maryland in 2018.

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Jack Canfield’s Mastermind Retreat helped prepare Wiggins to write her story to bring out empathy.

Pictured at the conclusion of training in Santa Barbara, California in 2018.